This is a great subject, good brain exercise... I have thought about it myself, thanks for putting it in words.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
A STAKE in the HEART of Watchtower TRUTH (A Thought Experiment)
by TerryWalstrom inis this the same religion?.
a whim isn’t falsifiable.. .
answer: is it testable?
cha ching
What Religious Trajectory Are The JWs Following?
by millie210 ini was reading another thread and the comments got me thinking....
comments such as oldskools: more like digital colonialism channeled through one of the weaker and less important institutions western society has to offer.. .
some have compared the orgs future path to the world wide church of gods.
cha ching
Yes Millie, I agree... When I was in school, the Catholic Church ruled! No meat on Fridays.... Ex-communicated meant "lose your families forever." The Pope.... kiss his pinky ring? hmm? Blessed by the Pope/ Priest/ elders?
I totally see the connection/ parallel between the old Catholic Church and the GB of today ;-)
After 15-17 years JW daughter coming by for a visit today.
by James Mixon inis something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
cha ching
Awesome James! That is great she became a nurse! I worked at a hospital, and got to know the nurses there, they work like a team, accept each other like family, maybe she is seeing that not EVERY one out there is evil. Maybe, just maybe they are helping her see the value of family?
If she had a great time with you, and you didn't talk "religion"... then she goes to the convention, she just might resent the shunning talk.
After having a "Bethelite" husband who was a 'jerk', she may just be realizing that there are better people out there (like you, the father) than she can find in the org.... She may even be realizing that you just may have had a good reason for leaving, and admiring your for taking a stand! Right?
by TerryWalstrom inonce upon a time in hollywood.
i lived in los angeles in the 70’s and 80’s.
the idea was to create a career involving art.
cha ching
Thanks for writing Terry! Very interesting to see behind the scenes, I loved the part where you had to pretend you belonged on the set! Wish I had a picture of you ;-)
I didn't realize what a colorful life you had, even as a JW? you were an artist? lived in the Hollywood area? and had such great adventures? You are a great writer too.
My husband & I were going to Disneyland for our honeymoon in the 70s.... We may have passed each other on the freeways! Haha!
Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
cha ching
It is interesting that they are showing "bunker" videos... as "if" the GT is about to be upon us.....
And the fact that Warwick is the perfect place to retire to, just in case all the JWs get mad that they were deceived... Selling off property? That seems like they are getting all there ducks in a row, finances settled.
Kicking out Bethelites? Getting rid of D.O's, and older C.O's? Let's tidy up. Less literature? less work.
When I first heard that question, "will you be willing to do whatever is told to you even tho it seems strange from a human viewpoint?" I thought, "O.... M.... G...." what are they going to have people do next? Drink Kool Aid? Sell houses? Turn family members in? Be quiet as K Halls are sold? What will they be asked to do?
"New Light" is a card that the WT always holds in it's pocket, always ready to play. I could see them saying something like, "Just as in the last days of Jerusalem, the Jewish religion was not destroyed, so in our day it will be....... religions are NOT destroyed, but......" I can't even think like them anymore, but they are able to twist and turn ANY bible scripture into ANY 'new light' they need. They just need to "hint" at "great tribulation", gather their goods and be gone.
They are numerologists, and con men. What more do you need?
Does the governing body know what they are doing?
by Gefangene inwhat do you guys think?.
are they only some uber religious zealots or do they pursue hidden agendas beyond religiosity?.
cha ching
I am with you, DataDog & Konceptual, they know what they are doing.
Just look in their eyes when Lett says 'it's all apostate lies" or Geoffrey Jackson responds to ARC's question, "will people get disfellowshipped if they celebrate Christmas?" "no" ...................
How about when Angus asked, "Is it not the case that, had Jesus been asked about a case of sexual abuse he may have referred back to this part of Deuteronomy, and said that it's not required to have two witnesses? (about a woman ALONE (no second witness) in a field with a man, getting raped and the man would have gotten stoned.)
Jackson coyly responds, "I certainly would like to ask Jesus that, and I certainly can't at the moment, but I hope to in the future"
Tony Morris.... can we just say "tight pants"? Look at his face.
And Splane? when he "splanes" the overlapping generations? "Don't we just love this new teaching?'
When these men are going to live in 'castles' and tell everyone else to live in poverty?
I am a woman, I wasn't even an elder, or CO or DO, but THEY have been. If I figured out that they were ripping people off at conventions & assemblies, lying that "we don't have enough $$ to cover expenses" when they actually plan to say that each time, and send the pre-planned amount off to Bethel each time.... They are in the backrooms, the elders meetings, the "memo room" .... They know. They might not CARE, they may be cold hearted, but they know.
They have invented the policies. They may not be in total control.... but they know.
They have seen behind the curtains.
FYI My JW mom and Alzheimer's
by scary21 inone year ago today my mom passed away.
she was 91 years old.
it has been really hard on me because i never expected what happened, to.have happened.
cha ching
So sorry, Scary21, no child deserves to be unloved. This religion is a very dark one, that does not "build families up" but actually, tears them apart.
Do not think less of yourself. Hold your head up high, be proud of the fact that you no longer participated in carrying out the commands of the GB. It's not "going to 5 meetings" "Field service" and "conventions" that make you a good person.
As you can see, it is what a person does, who they are that is important. "Actions speak louder than words."
People's worth should not be measured by time on a time sheet, not "loyalty" to an organization.Love.... "all you need is love."
Hugs to you and your sister.
Making fun of an elder, CO or GB'er, would it be considered brazen conduct or some other WT sin?
by oppostate inwould making fun of an elder, co or governing body member, be considered brazen conduct or some other wt sin, like apostasy?
is it an actionable judicial matter, even?.
cha ching
I know someone who was DF'd for saying the lawyers, Service Desk, the Branch, the GBs are responsible for the pedophile issue, and they are the ones that need to apologize for their course..
DF'd for "speaking abusively of the glorious ones"
Courtesy Towards Senior Bicyclists, or First Time Riding in 45 Years!
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters:.
i bought a nearly new 7-speed bicycle at a yard sale for $30 last weekend and took it out this morning on our paved local bicycle/walking trail.
the last time i rode was in my early- to mid- twenties when i used a bicycle to get to and from the kh for my pioneer service.
cha ching
Just don't be looking backwards as you come to a curb... I had not biked in some years, was having a great time.... but my depth perception? my coordination skills were down... then, so was I... bam, slam, my chin was cut open...
Wasn't too long after that, and a little practice, that I got my skills up to speed, and had great fun!
Prince: frustration and relief
by AFreeBeliever ini haven't posted in a long time, but all this news re: prince has brought up alot of "stuff" for me.
having been a born-in 3rd generation until being disfellowshipped, losing all of my family and friends i had since birth in one big go, i find myself going between frustration, and honestly some feelings of resentment, and ...relief...regarding prince (who, by the way, i am not disparaging personally, just, as most of us know, he would have been held up as the perfect example of what not to be by the watchtower organization and the double-standard/hypocrisy is rather stunning).
resentment/frustration, due to my personal experiences and those of many i knew.
cha ching
I feel what you are saying, AFB.... You tried to do something nice for someone, and the WT squashes it..... That organization is not one of "love"..... they are the Borg. Really.
It is so hypocritical for them to treat rich people one way, and the 'not famous' another. They hurt people in so many ways, especially because you hear them repeat at assemblies/ conventions, "we show love the world around" , "we are truly loving our neighbors" then act the opposite, in a clandestine way.
You are right... this just might help wake some people up... at least wrestle with their consciences...
You are a good person, the WT is the bad guy...
Hang in there,
cha ching